Ex-Vivo Drug Screening
The field of precision medicine is continuously evolving with new methods for predicting the relative efficacy of drugs for individual cancer patients. Ex-vivo drug screening is utilizing therapies outside a patient’s body using sensitivity experiments with patient-derived tumor material, guided by a comprehensive genomic analysis of the patient’s cancer cells. Thus potentially offering a unique solution to identify appropriate combinations of therapies for individual patients that better mimic the heterogeneity and molecular/genetic complexity of human tumors.
HTCR-Services provides fresh tissues (normal/diseased) and blood samples from patients with various disease stages. The procurement of cohorts can be associated with clinical annotations including medication history and clinical outcome data. We can also offer customized screening applications where cell isolation of a single or multiple cell type format are subjected to pre-clinical staged compounds or biologics for subsequent analysis and characterization (see chart below).
- Biomaterial processed from fresh patient tumor samples
- Preserved native tissue microenvironment with endogenous immune cells and fibroblasts
- Functional isolated cell derivatives to study the interaction and modulation of tumor cells with the human immune system (e.g. PBMCs, NKs)
- Analysis of pre-clinical drug candidates including tumor killing and immune cell proliferation